Friday 7 March 2014

Palaye Royale: Band of the Century!

Original 'One of a Kind' Graphic Art Illustration by: Candice Anne Marshall for Palaye Royale & Palaye Royale Management
and is not available for reproduction at this time. This project was created in Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator Graphic Programs

I am not certain what it was that made me open the link from a private message on my Twitter account four weeks ago, but I did (normally I ignore what I think may be spammed messages, but this one in particular seemed confident and genuine. ‘Enjoy our music video for our single, "Get Higher". Check it out here:‘ it read.  I can tell you what transpired for me was a journey into another realm that only Palaye Royale fans could truly understand. The best I can describe it is like Alice in Wonderland: A thrilling journey of excitement, discovery and sheer amazement, rolled into a compact ball of romance of the soul. I have officially hash tagged it #PalayePandemonium as this is the only way to describe a true Indie band on the brink of a major breakthrough/discovery.

In fact, almost every person begins listening to the unique sound of their hit song ‘Get Higher’ (the band debut in a colorful Samsung Galaxy commercial where the song was featured) and from the get-go, they are transported into a time-warp flashback kaleidoscope of vintage colors, rock sounds, and artistic creativity reminiscent of bands such as The Beatles, The Cure and The Rolling Stones to name a few. It’s not long before one finds themselves obsessively searching the net or scanning You Tube wanting to hear more, see more, and know every single thing about them. It’s no small wonder: not only are they incredibly talented, their keen unique fashion sense has piqued the interest of anyone who is graced by their presence: donned in leather, lace and chains these boys are all about making a statement through image onstage, through film, and photos and they definitely have earned that right.

Palaye Royale at sound check March 4th at Lexington Social House in Los Angeles, California
Photo: Palaye Royale via Stephanie Rachel

(l-r) Palaye Royale: Emerson Barrett, Sebastian Danzig, and Remington Leith
Photo: Palaye Royale via Stephanie Rachel

Who are these talented young men? They are Emerson Barrett (drums), Sebastian Danzig (guitar), and Remington Leith (vocals) and for the last four weeks, I have silently observed on the sidelines, watching them work their magic among their fan base which has branched out all over Europe, Africa, Japan, South America, Mexico, United States and Canada and shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon. The band is consistently on their Twitter reaching out and connecting to fans responding as often as they can. They leave no stone unturned when it comes to the dedication to their social media and have begun what is known among their fan base as a ‘Revolution’ inspiring several groups of people all over the world to form ‘teams’ known as ‘Soldiers of the Royal Council’.    

Through this means, the band has managed to network a community (albeit a global community) of people of all races, ages, and genders to feel very connected to them on a more personal level. Thus the hashtag: #PalayePandemonium. What’s more, they pay their dues through live performances blowing the minds of everyone present.  In the last 6-8 months they have performed at locations such as Soho House in New York and Lexington Social House in Los Angeles, California (where they are based) as recently as two nights ago. Today, they will be playing the Hard Rock CafĂ© in Las Vegas for Battle of the Bands in the #HardRockRising event, where two of the three members originate from. (Danzig is Canadian – born in Toronto)

Original Graphic Art Illustration by: Candice Anne Marshall

(l-r) Palaye Royale: Emerson Barrett, Sebastian Danzig, and Remingtom Leith
Photo: Palaye Royale via Stephanie Rachel

Recently, I had the privilege of privately interviewing Palaye Royale and was very impressed with the maturity, creativity, talent, respect and understanding these young men have of the music industry. It is apparent to me that their fan base is as vital to them as air: ‘Our fans amaze us every day. We are truly grateful for them and enjoy the messages and connecting with them on a more personal level. All age groups listen to our music. We have had people in their fifties wanting to hang out with us after a gig. It’s pretty cool,’ said Sebastian Danzig.

The band is just putting the finishing touches on a new 15 track 80 minute album to be released in the near future. ‘We actually have written 20 songs but will be narrowing it down to 15,’ said Emerson Barrett. In their 18 hour day, (which is a typical day) the three artists spend a good eight hours working their social media and the balance of the day is devoted to recording their album and live performances. It’s easy to see that this kind of dedication is worthy of recognition within the music industry and fans are already beginning to tweet radio stations and record labels within their communities to play their music or have them signed.

In addition to crafting their eccentric talent through music, band member Emerson Barrett has also inspired expression of art and creativity among the fan base by sharing photos of artwork that he has created. His creative genius comes from a wondrous mind that only true artists can understand. (See first graphic I created in this article – Barrett’s art is positioned, albeit graphically, behind Danzig, and the three artists autographs/signatures are strategically placed in the design) A Facebook Group of core fans frequently post drawings and paintings which are re-tweeted and shared by the band, a movement which has spurned many more talented young people to also tap into their creativity. And if this isn't enough, Barrett’s art is now being transcended into tattoo art; another craze that has dedicated fans inspired to imprint the bands image on them.

Graphic art Illustration by: Candice Anne Marshall - an ode to my favorite song 'Morning Light'

For the moment, Palaye Royale is an unsigned independent ‘Fashion Art Rock Band’ (new genre) who is literally on the brink of a major breakthrough. All I can say is this: if you haven’t heard them yet, written about them, been inspired to tap into your own creativity, listened to their music or watched their videos (they have a well-documented account of their journey on their You Tube channel!) then you are SERIOUSLY missing out! I guarantee, that if you do take the time to check them out, you will be as smitten as I am!

Congrats on all of your successes thus far gentlemen. I look forward to meeting you soon enough! 

Just after this article was posted, Palaye Royale placed in the top two at #HardRockRising battle of the bands at Hard Rock Hotel in Las Vegas, NV. They will battle it out once more on April 18th, 2014 for first place. The winning band will get the opportunity to perfrom in front of 40, 000 people at Hard Rock Live in Italy!

Subscribe to Palaye Royale's You Tube Channel:

'LIKE' Palaye Royale's Facebook Fan Page:

Follow Palaye Royale on Twitter:


Original (digitalized) Graphic Illustration of autographs from Palaye Royale members:
(top left) Emerson Barrett, (top right) Sebastian Danzig, (bottom) Remington Leith

Side Note: Stephanie Rachel , Management for Palaye Royale, spent another hour on the phone with me after my initial interview with the band. I have to say, this is one woman who truly knows her artists and was gracious enough to reach out and connect with me. I was very honored to have had the time to speak to her further about the boys and their rise to stardom in the industry. She is a fiercely independent and intelligent woman who ultimately has their best interest at heart and that speaks very well in my books. Hats off to you Stephanie on a job well done! 

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